Bales College
2014 – present
Estimated Budget: £9 million
Client: Bales College
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects: PM(D), DD(P), NMA, CN, WVK, CR
Project Manager: Doherty Baines
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: ZEF
Cost Consultant: Artelia
Planning: Doherty Baines/Iceni
Transport: Iceni
Heritage: Heritage Collective
Landscape: Dominic Cole
Coram Queen Elizabeth II Centre
2009 – present. Due for Completion 2018
Budget: £5.5 million
Client: Coram Foundation
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects:PM(D), NMA(P), DD, WVK, HE-T. Pre 2013: EE(P), PQ, EK, TJ
Project Manager: Gleeds
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: J Noad
Cost Consultant: Gleeds
Landscape: Philip Meadowcroft Architects
Contractor: Thomas Sinden
National Maritime Museum Cornwall
2015 – present.
Estimated Budget: £4.5 million
Client: National Maritime Museum Cornwall
Architects: Christopher Nash Architect + Philip Meadowcroft Architects: CN(D), PM, DD(P), WVK.
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
Cost Consultant: Artelia
Coram Creative Therapies Centre (‘Pears Pavilion’)
2012 – 2015
Budget: £1.02 million
Client: Coram Foundation
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects (2013-present), Meadowcroft Griffin Architects (pre 2013): PM(D), NMA(P), DD, HE-T. Pre 2013: PM*, HE-T
Project Manager: Gleeds
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: A&A
Cost Consultant: Gleeds
Landscape: PMAL
Contractor: Thomas Sinden
Coram New Entrance Building
2012 – 2014
Cost: £1.1 million
Client: Coram Foundation
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects (2013-present), Meadowcroft Griffin Architects (pre 2013): PM(D), NMA(P), HE-T. Pre 2013: PM(D), EK(P), HE-T
Project Manager: Gleeds
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: Atelier Ten
Cost Consultant: Gleeds
Landscape: PMAL/MGA: PM, JM, EK
Contractor: Thomas Sinden with 5th Studio Architects
Coram - Masterplan
2009 – present
Client: Coram Foundation
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects (2013-present), Meadowcroft Griffin Architects (pre 2013): PM(D), NMA(P). Pre 2013: PM(D), TJ, ZK, EE(P)
Cost Consultant: Davis Langdon
Landscape: Land Use Consultants (Dominic Cole)
Canal Park
2012 – 2013
Cost: N/A
Client: London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC)
Architects: Philip Meadowcroft Architects with East, MUF: PM(D), NMA(P) Pre 2013: PM(D), ZK, EK(P)
Project Manager: Artelia
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
Cost Consultant: Gleeds
Landscape: J&L Gibbons LLP
Lauriston Primary School. Hackney
2007 – 2010
Cost: £7.4million
Client: The Learning Trust. Hackney
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: PM, AG(D)*, HB, EE(P), MC, GD, RF, AH, NH, SH EK, SL, DVK, PT, EG-M
Project Manager: Robert Martell and Partners
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: Atelier Ten
Cost Consultant: Robert Martell and Partners
Acoustic Consultant: Paul Gillerion Associates
Landscape: Latz und Partner
Contractor: Neilcott Construction
Stanley Primary School. Twickenham
2007 – 2013
Cost: £8million
Client: London Borough of Richmond
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: PM, AG(D)*, HB(P), CC,JS, ZK, HE-T, JB.
Structural Engineers: Connisbee
M&E Engineers: NPS
Acoustic Consultant: AAD Ltd
Cost Consultant: AppleyardsDWB
Landscape: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: JM
Arboriculturalist: Raphael Skerratt:
Contractor: Jerram Falkus Construction Ltd
Christopher Hatton Primary School. Clerkenwell
2008 - 2010
Cost: Phase 1 £153,000; Phase 2 £246,000
Client: London Borough of Camden
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: Phase 1 AG, HB(D), CC(P); Phase 2 PM(D), EK(P), SM, JS
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: Con-serv
Cost Consultant: Davis Langdon
Landscape: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: JM
Contractor: Phase 1 Lakeside; Phase 2 Conomar
Samuel Lithgow Youth Centre. London
2005 - 2010
Cost: £692,000
Client: London Borough of Camden
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: HB(D), DVK
Project Manager: Julian Cheasley
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: The Kut Partnership
Cost Consultant: Robert Martell and Partners
Contractor: Procare Building Services Limited
White Knights Residence. St Georges Hill.
2004 - 2007
Cost: £1.65 million
Client: Private
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects: PM(D), HB(P), CC
Structural Engineers: Price and Myers
M&E Engineers: Fulcrum
Cost Consultant: Davis Langdon
Landscape: Arun Landscapes
Furniture: Kay and Stemmer
Fabrics: Salt
Contractor: GM Developments
2013 – present Philip Meadowcroft Architects (PMAL)
PM Phil Meadowcroft (Director)
​SF Stefanie Fischer (Consultant)
CN Chris Nash (Consultant)
BC Beatriz Cantal
DD Daniel Diaz Monterrubio
HE-T Hadas Even-Tzur
KF Katerina Foutaki
LG Lucas Gunby
NM Nurit Moscovici-Amar
CR Callum Rae
DR Dominique Rimoch
WVK Willemijn Van de Klundert
MV Maria Vasedski
GV Giacomo Viscovo
2003 – 2013 Meadowcroft Griffin Architects (MGA)
PM Phil Meadowcroft (Director)
AG Ann Griffin (Director)
HB Hugo Braddick (Director 2007-13)
CC Catriona Casey (Associate)
EE Esther Everett (Associate)
EK Elizabeth King (Associate)
JM Jane MacCuish (Associate)
JB Jennifer Bull
AB Alicjia Borkowska
MC Marta Castillo
SC Sam Causer
AC Alison Crawshaw
GD Geraldine Dening
TD Tom Dulake
HE-T Hadas Even-Tzur
JF Justin Frankel
RF Rebecca Fodes
EG-M Emilie Garcia-Morales
AH Adam Holland
JH Jamie Hughes
NH Nike Himmels
SH Sarah Habershon
TJ Tommy Jay
KK Kota Kato
ZK Zak Keene
LK Lefkos Kyriakou
SL Sam Levine
NM Nurit Moscovici-Amar
SM Simon Mellor
WN Walid Nazih
PQ Patrick Quinn
HR Harriet Rodriques
VS-L Valerie Saveeda-Lux
JS John Stiles
GS Gordon Sung
RS Rachel Sykes
PT Patrick Toff
DVK Dennis Van Kampen
GW Greg Willis
(D) Denotes Project Director
(P) Denotes Project Architect